4800+ WordPress Themes & Website Plugins.
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Plugin Deals legally redistribute official plugins via the GPL license. Everything is legal. All our WordPress plugins are licensed under the General Public Licence (GPL). This means that once we have purchased the item we are free to redistribute it if we choose to do so. Plugin developers license usually means 12 month plugin support, i.e. if you have an issue with the plugin you contact the developer and they help you. We don't sell licenses, if you want to buy a plugin with a license, you have to go directly to the developer. All our users receive email notifications each week to update you of plugins that have been recently updated and new plugins added to our site. You will also receive an email notification for your specific plugin that you have purchased.
Not only will you receive your download file directly to your email address immediately after purchasing one of our plugins but you also are provided with a members area. In the members area your plugin will be updated to the latest version whenever updates or new releases are added by the original plugin developer.